ROPE - breathtaking aerial artistry
"Almost dramatically the artist winds and twists up the rope, only to dive all the way down again in the next moment - always without ever touching the ground.
Knots and daring whirls full of power and energy are followed by melancholic, elegant and sensual elements.
Petra Lange seems to go completely inside herself and slips into another world. Like a sling the rope wraps around her body, quickly she slides down on it and stops motionless above the audience's heads."
Sensual, dark, erotic - beautiful!

Petra Lange
Schillerpromenade 40
12049 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 177 932 5670
E-mail: petra@rope-petra.de
What else?
Petra Lange is also a yoga teacher... visit her : petralangeyoga.com
Here you can also find my blog.. : Petra’s Blog